Il parto e la nascita in ospedale

Childbirth and birth in hospital

The journey of a future mother from the moment she enters the hospital to the moment she leaves with her baby.


Generally, the departments tend to admit the woman only if labor has started (presence of regular and painful contractions and at least three centimeters of dilation.

There is, especially if you are expecting your first baby, a so-called "prodromal" phase which lasts a few hours and is characterized by irregular contractions and pain similar to menstrual pain.

It is an advantage for you to stay at home in this phase, trying to rest, take a relaxing bath and try not to pay too much attention to these first signs, but spend these hours in the company of someone in a peaceful and pleasant way. Early entry into the clinic is often a cause of stress.

Upon acceptance, the woman immediately enters the labor room and subsequently carries out the procedures at the counter when she accompanies her. It is important to bring with you:

  • Health insurance card
  • Clinical tests
  • The pregnancy record
  • The birth bag

The labor

During labor and birth, the presence of the baby's father or a person chosen by the woman is normally permitted, but in the case of a two-bed labor room they can ask the companion to stay outside.

Physiological labor is normally assisted by the midwife, who frequently checks the fetal heartbeat. During labor, frequent vaginal visits can be annoying for the woman and there are other parameters to evaluate maternal and fetal well-being and the progression of labor itself.

The routine practice of amniorexis (artificial rupture of the membranes which causes the leakage of amniotic fluid) is discussed: on the one hand it can reduce the duration of labour, on the other it intensifies the pain of contractions and reduces the woman's possibility of movement.

During labor, sugar consumption is very high and you may feel tired and weak: it is therefore important to drink warm drinks with sugar or honey.

Today, to alleviate the pain of childbirth, more value is given to natural techniques such as breathing control, different positions, concentration and massage. Many women learn these techniques in childbirth preparation classes.


This phase begins when the woman, with complete dilation of the uterine mouth, feels the "spontaneous reward" of the first thrusts.

It is a very delicate moment, in which you will need to be able to concentrate and find reassurance. Every change of situation is tiring, it will be necessary to find a comfortable and at the same time effective position.

At this point you will generally move to the delivery room, your partner will still be next to you. His presence can constitute a point of reference for your peace of mind together with that of the midwife who, with advice and encouragement, will be even closer to you.

Almost all births take place in the traditional delivery room bed and the staff does not propose alternative positions on their own initiative.

An episiotomy is a small surgical incision that artificially widens the vaginal opening; if it is necessary, it is performed before the baby begins to come out and generally, with local anesthesia.

At the moment of birth, the Neonatologist or Pediatrician is present, the newborn baby is given to the mother, wrapped in a cloth. We wait a few seconds to cut the umbilical cord and the woman can immediately attach the baby to the breast if she wishes. Subsequently, the newborn is visited by the pediatrician, placed in the thermocot and transferred to the nursery.

Here the newborn is examined more carefully and subjected to routine prophylactic therapies and dressed with his own clothes that you put in the hospital bag.

In the meantime, the woman, still on the delivery table, expels the placenta; the suturing of any episiotomy is then performed. Transferred to the postpartum room or labor room, the woman spends the first hours after giving birth under observation.

It is well known that the first hours after birth are fundamental for the baby-mother-father meeting, for the establishment of the first bond. These are very delicate moments: you need a warm, welcoming, silent environment that respects your privacy.

The puerperium

For women, the days following childbirth are characterized by intense emotions. On the one hand, joy for the birth of the baby, desire to see and touch him, on the other, concern for his well-being, tension for breastfeeding, physical tiredness, pain from any stitches.

After the effort of childbirth you will perhaps need to be encouraged, helped and supported in your new task as a mother.

The central point of this new phase is, for those who wish, breastfeeding which in turn requires energy, availability and patience.

The colostrum of the first two days and then breast milk are the best food for the newborn from all points of view. For successful breastfeeding, a good start is essential:

  • the desire to breastfeed first and foremost,
  • sucking in the first hours after birth,
  • breastfeeding on request of the baby at his own pace,
  • avoiding the administration of any other substance (formula milk or gluten solution)

How to organize this in the hospital? One answer could be "Rooming In", i.e. not separating the mother and baby during the puerperium. The close proximity of mother and newborn facilitates the realization of these conditions and promotes their knowledge and understanding.

During the hospital stay (usually three days) the new mother assists in changing the diaper and dressing the cord. Upon returning to the nursery, if the newborn has not eaten enough (check with double weighing), he is possibly given a little glucose solution.

The fact that the baby does not take breast milk in the desired quantity depends on many factors:

  • the newborn may not be hungry at that moment and may even be asleep
  • the mother may feel anxious knowing that she has little time available to feed the baby and this makes the milk ejection reflex difficult,
  • milk may not have arrived yet,
  • and so on ...

Don't be alarmed because at home it will be much easier to find a rhythm that meets your and your baby's needs.

Normally on the third day, counting zero on the day of birth and on the fifth week if the caesarean section was carried out, the discharge takes place and indications are given for subsequent checks.

In the days following childbirth, the woman needs material help, but above all emotional support and a suitable environment that gives her the time necessary to learn how to care for and feed the newborn.

"Feeling like a mother" is a slow and complex but natural process, made up of small steps.

The return home

Every woman needs, in the first few weeks, to be encouraged, supported and helped. Changing your habits, waking up at night, taking care of your child and trying to understand his needs, all this requires a lot of energy.

Emotional support is therefore fundamental, including specific "technical" and emotional support that must be given and created within the family. It might be a good opportunity for dad to have some time off that coincides with the first weeks of the new family's life at home.

Our best wishes.

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